Participants are expected to partake in assigned activities and wear their name tags during all program activities and are to remain in designated areas at all times unless accompanied by adult chaperones.
Dress during the retreat is casual and comfortable clothing is encouraged. Clothing with offensive or obscene words, pictures, symbols, etc. is not acceptable. Shirts and shoes must be worn at all sessions and meals. No halter, spaghetti strap-style, cropped or sleeveless tops/shirts are allowed. Shorts length must be appropriate (when a person is standing straight with arms hanging to side, shorts must meet or pass their fingertips). Pants must not sag, or a zip-tie will be provided. Undergarments are not outerwear and must be covered. Leggings are permitted with a longer shirt being worn. Modest sleepwear must be worn while in tents. Remember that the entire INTENSE Youth Conference will be held outside. Please plan according to the weather.
Language and conduct should reflect the values we proclaim as Catholics.
Socializing will take place only in the designated common areas. No visiting is allowed in camping/sleeping areas occupied by members of the opposite sex. As a participant, you are allowed only in the tent section you have been assigned; no tent swapping is permitted.
Each day will be long and busy making adequate sleep a necessity. Participants must be in their tents by the Nightly Rosary and lights out. Scheduled quiet and silent times must be honored. Only the directors can alter curfew times or the timing of any other scheduled activity.
Smoking/vaping and the use of tobacco products is not allowed by any participants during the retreat. Violation of this rule will result in immediate dismissal from the retreat. The possession or use of alcohol, illegal drugs, or weapons will not be tolerated. breaking this rule will mean immediate dismissal from the retreat (parents will be called, regardless of the hour).
Cell phones are permitted, but there will be "POWER OFF" designated times that all participants will adhere to.
With the desire to protect all participants involved in formation and youth activities, the following additional adult guidelines are in place.
Definition: A minor is anyone who has not yet reached his or her eighteenth (18th) birthday or is 18 but still a high school student. All clergy, religious, lay employees, and volunteers of the archdiocese will observe the following guidelines when engaging in ministry to or otherwise interacting with minors:
Review, sign, and abide by all Archdiocesan guidelines.
Two-by-two Guideline: Never be alone with a minor when other adults are not present. This is for their safety and yours. ​
If a minor goes off on their own and leaves the larger group, always take someone with you to check on them.​
Travel to and from events is to be guided by this rule as well.
If and when one-on-one ministry is occurring, conducted in an open room setting without closed doors, where you and the minor are visible to other adults.
Ministry should include opportunities for prayer with a minor; this can put them in a vulnerable position. In moments that you feel it is needed, always ask permission before presuming to touch a minor in any manner:
Putting a hand on a minor's shoulder​
Hug—NEVER full front, but a side hug, not prolonged
NEVER touch or stroke a minor's head as that presumes dominance
NEVER outstretch both hands to pray over a minor's head as this is strictly reserved as a priest's role of praying over someone
As a general rule, same sex monitoring is preferred—male chaperones assigned to male minors, female chaperones assigned to female minors. If this arrangement is in place for a particular event, abide by the groups assigned. If a different minor reaches out, ask an adult from their original group to be present.
Never talk about your personal struggles with trigger topics like suicide, abuse, drugs, addiction, pornography, etc. These are often large group topics by presenters, but not one-on-one topics.
Do not seek emotional or spiritual reactions out of minors; do not play with their emotions for the sake of evangelization.
Avoid late-night talks with minors when both they and you are tired.
Act responsibly with sensitive information shared with you by a minor. Nothing should be shared that you cannot communicate to a pastor or youth minister if asked.
Never develop a code of silence, such as promising or asking to keep something confidential between yourself and a minor.
Keep a ministerial relationship with the minor and not one of equal standard. You are not their peer; always keep acceptable and standard boundaries.
Never text a minor outside of a group message deemed necessary for the specific event. Once that event concludes, you should NOT remain in contact with the minor via private text messaging or social media outlets. Continue to build relationships at parish and your events—not on your own personal time.
Prudence is key. If you aren't sure if something is prudent, ask another adult. There is absolutely no need to walk in
the gray area of appropriateness for the Lord to work in
their life.
Revised December 2021
As a community of faith, we are committed to safeguarding our children and endangered or vulnerable adults.
The following rules and regulations reflect that commitment and apply to clergy, employees, and volunteers.
I will:
Safeguard children, endangered adults, and vulnerable adults entrusted to my care at all times.
Treat everyone with respect, patience, integrity, courtesy, dignity, and consideration.
Complete safe environment training and read bulletins.
Avoid situations where I am alone with a child, endangered adult, or vulnerable adult at church/school activities and meet with them in areas that are visible and accessible to other adults.
Refrain from giving inappropriate, personal gifts to children, endangered adults, and vulnerable adults.
Avoid all unnecessary physical contact, especially when alone with a child, endangered adult, or vulnerable adult.
Obtain permission from a parent/guardian before contacting a child via social media or before posting pictures, videos, or other information that may identify him or her.
Always maintain a professional attitude when dealing with children, endangered adults, and vulnerable adults avoiding emotional attachment and maintaining professional boundaries.
Report suspected abuse to civil authorities (Indiana Child Protective Services hotline: 800-800-5556 or Indiana Adult Protective Services hotline: 800-992-6978) or to a local law enforcement agency and to the archdiocese (victim assistance coordinator: 800-382-9836, ext. 1548). Report any violations of this code of conduct to the victim assistance coordinator. Confidential reports to the archdiocese can also be made online at www.archdioceseofindianapolis.ethicspoint.com. You do not have to give your name.
Cooperate fully in any investigation of abuse of children, endangered adults, or vulnerable adults.
I will not:
Use, possess, or be under the influence of alcohol while overseeing children at any church/school activity or ministering to endangered adults or vulnerable adults.
Be alone with minors in a residence, sleeping facility, locker room, rest room, dressing facility, other closed room, or isolated area that is inappropriate to a ministry relationship.
Use, possess, or be under the influence of illegal drugs.
Allow children to have and/or use alcohol or illegal drugs.
Use profanity or engage in behavior that is harassing or degrading to others.
Acquire, use, possess, or distribute any material that is pornographic in nature including child pornography. This includes, but is not limited to: pictures, videos, movies, social media, websites, magazines, or written material.
Allow children to have, or assist them in gaining access to any pornographic materials, including child pornography. This encompasses all forms of pornography, written, visual or otherwise, including but not limited to: websites, movies or other printed materials. Additionally, I will not allow children to have, or assist them in gaining access to other inappropriate forms of writing or visual media including, but not limited to: websites, movies, or printed materials.